Attached Services

District Nurse
A district nursing team is attached to the Practice. The nurses are primarily available to give nursing care to patients in their homes at the requests of the doctors. Contact the team by leaving a message on Tel: 0191 443 4418.
Community Midwife
The Practice has an attached midwife who carries out antenatal clinics and will see a patient at any time during her pregnancy and post-natal period. She can be contacted via the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Antenatal Department Tel: 482 0000. The antenatal clinic is held at surgery on Wednesday afternoon, attendance by appointment only. If you become pregnant please contact the surgery who will put you in touch with midwife for you first appointment.

Health Visitors
We have a team of health visitors who are closely involved in the health care of patients, particularly children and expectant mothers. The Health Visitors have a wide range of skills and expertise and are happy to discuss any concerns you may have about your own or you family’s physical and emotional well-being. The Health Visitors can be contacted by leaving a message on Tel: 0191 487 3617.
Mental Health Nurse/Counsellor
The mental health nurse and counsellor are closely involved with the Practice and see patients by referral from the doctors.

Substance Misuse Practitioner
Patients who have problems with the substance misuse can self refer to Gateshead Recovery Partnership 47 Jackson Street Gateshead NE8 1EE. Telephone 0191 5947821.